Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Creating Component Interface in Application Designer and giving permissions to Component Interface in PeopleSoft

Creating Component Interface in Application Designer and giving permissions to Component Interface in PeopleSoft

Creating Component Interface in Application Designer:
1. Open new Component Interface.
2. Select the Component
3. Save the Component Interface with _CI.
4. Drag and drop the component Interface in to the Application Engine Programs
(Which generates the People code automatically. Edit it )

To test the component Interface:
1. Right click Component Interface
2. Click on Test Component Interface.

Steps to give permissions to CI:
1. People Tools-->Security-->Permissions & Roles-->Permission Lists
2. Add HCCPFGALLP (Federal all pages)
3. Click on Component Interface tab.
4. Add the Component interface.
5. Select thr Coponent Interface and click on Edit.
6. Click on Full Access and click on Ok.
7. Save it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi-- I am new to PeopleSoft. There is a question regarding Component Interfaces. If I want to make a component interface of existing components of Peoplesoft. Is there some way through which I can just make the interface and not component from scratch? If there is, could you please share the steps?
